What is Corrosion?
Corrosion is a natural process that gradually destroys the metal by electrochemical or chemical reactions with their environment.
Metal Corrosion
Presence of oxygen and water causes corrosion of certain metals like lead, copper and brass. These metals are present in supporting structures that are mainly built from masonry, timber and other materials. The most common example of corrosion is weakening of iron due to oxidation.
To avoid rusting or corrosion of metals, it’s important to keep the metal surface dry and use moisture barrier products (Click for Source). These coatings create a protective shield on the surface so it prevents it from corroding.
Some of the structural alloys corrode simply by getting exposed to moisture in the air. The process of corroding of metals can be widespread in the form of general weakening and cracking.
Ways to Prevent Metal Corrosion
- Stainless steel and aluminium are some of the non-corrosive metals that you can use
- The metal surface should be protected with the application of drying agents and moisture barring products.
- A Layer of backfill can be useful in underground piping. Limestone is the commonest choice available for backfills.
- Regular cleaning of electrical components is a must
Galvanic Corrosion:
Galvanic corrosion occurs frequently in coastal areas. It is an electrochemical process in which two different metals come in electrical contact with each other in the presence of electrolytes. Out of the two metals (the active one) corrodes rapidly while the other one (less active one) corrodes at a slower rate.
Ways to Prevent Galvanic Corrosion
- Metal surfaces should be kept dry and insulated from acids, bases or salts
- Metal surfaces should be coated. Paint, plastic or other non-metallic barriers can significantly minimise galvanic corrosion.
At Inspex, experienced property inspectors work to find traces of corrosion and suggest remedies. Our detail and illustrated building inspection reports contain preventive measures too.
We have offices in Gold Coast and Brisbane. Give us a call to fix a date and time for inspecting your home.