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5 Mistakes Commonly Made When Inspecting Homes

Before buying a home, one of the most important things to look out for is having the home checked by a professional home inspector. Purchasing a home is expensive. And why would you spend an extra hundreds or even thousands of dollars over repairs and alterations when you can avoid it in the first instance?

Most people make mistakes in the process. Here is how you can avoid being one of them:-

Not researching the inspector

Many buyers and sellers hire whichever company is recommended by their real estate agents without doing any research. There are a few questions to ask:-

  • How many inspections have they done?
  • How long have they been inspecting homes?
  • What are their certifications, training completed and qualifications?
  • What was their job before becoming a home inspector?

Not attending the inspection

Attendance is a good idea, although it may not be mandatory. The inspection takes an entire morning or afternoon. Inspectors will even sit with homeowners afterwards to delve in the various items that came up, predict what can go wrong with your home in it’s current state, and answer any questions that you have.

Not reading an inspection report

The inspection report comes with a detailed analysis of every corner of your prospective residence. A report that uses concise, clear language is often important to understand what it is that is needed to make an informed decision. Before deciding on the inspector that is meant for you either check their website or ask for a sample report. You must not treat the home inspection report as a mere formality; it is something for you to read and understand. A knowledgeable pro will state what is wrong with the house and suggests what it needs to fix the issues. Ask for a report that has clear images of the property.

Not getting a pre-sale inspection

Sellers often sell a property without conducting an inspection and this is a big mistake on their part. After the buyers get an inspection, sellers often find less and less time to finish the repair work bringing the sale of their property back on track. If sellers get the home inspected before actually putting the home on the market, they will find longer time to get the repairs done and can avoid any issues that come up when the buyers do their inspection. And with the additional time one can shop around and control costs.

Not prepping the home

Inspectors are often vexed when they find homes unprepared for inspection. Their path must be clear and devoid of all hindrances. If there is a lock in the basement, shed or utility closet, get them open before the inspector gets access.

The inspector will need access to this, so it is best to provide keys. For sellers, the best option is to just be at home, meet the inspector, provide an introduction with your mobile number and then take off. Or alternatively, give the keys to your real estate agent and let them do the introduction for you.

Purchasing a property without a proper inspection often lands a new homeowner into trouble. There will be times when they will need extensive repair and therefore potentially land the new owner in a deep financial hole.

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